In Which A Floor Is (Sort of) Finished Part 2

I said I was using a 1.5 lb cut, when actually, I was using a 2/3 lb cut. Somehow, I inverted the numbers in my head and near then end, I was likely using a 1/2 to 1/3 lb cut, which would explain the slow build and poor gloss. Do I feel dumb, maybe a little...

Where the last post left off, we had just spent "day 4" on the floor, putting down shellac. The gloss was starting to fade in the good bits, and come in in the worst bits, so we decided we were reaching the "stop-fiddling" point and should call it done soon. It may not be perfect, but for a floor that will be covered by silk rugs until we leave, I think it'll do quite nicely. Besides, shouldn't the guest rooms have the best floors; the only ones who will ever see the master bedroom floors are the movers and us.
I decided to finish out the batch of shellac as less than 2 lbs on that much square footage just felt like too little. Finishing out the last of the bucket took another 2 days of brush application and I'll be honest, by the 5th day, I was ready to dump the bucket all over the floor and call it done.
Thankfully, I had some vestiges of patience left and on February 13, I laid the last brush coat and admired my work:

And just as a reminder...

Not bad for a "test" on an inconspicuous area. Technically, it's not done yet since we still have to install the quarter round around the baseboard and do some repainting, but it feels like a win and it means we can finally move our new beds up to the new house.

Lessons for the rest of the 2nd floor, get your damn ratios right, don't pour the shellac on the floor in a giant puddle, and don't leave footprints in the shellac. Also, a bigger brush probably wouldn't hurt.

That's it for now, so I'll leave you with one last glamour shot of the floor.
